Thursday, February 28, 2013

chapter3 notes

4) Summarize:  Re-tell, in your own words, the main plot and important details of your reading. Your summary should not be more than about a paragraph, or 5-7 sentences 
2)Write down your prediction for what you think will happen next in the story. Don’t forget to explain what happened in this chapter that helped you form this prediction.
5) Reflect:  Write down any quotes, sayings, or moments that affect you in some way.  So far, what do you think is the reason the author wrote this book?  Are there any themes you recognize?  Do you like the book so far?  Why or why not?  What changes could be made so that you understand or connect with the story better?

4) In this chapter a lot of things have happened. For example Lennie gets a new puppy that he got from slim because George as slim to give one to Lenny. While asking for the puppy George told slim how he met Lenny and how he got the task of taking care of him. Curly beats up Lenny because he is mad at slim, but Lenny fights back and brakes curley`s hand.
2)I predict the curly `s wife is going to get them in some trouble with Curly. Curly already doesn't like Lenny because he is big. Also because Lenny broke his hand,  I feel that Curley is really going to hurt Lenny . I predict this because Lenny and curley fought already and i think curley wants to get revenge.
5)" But Lennie watched in terror the flopping little man whom he held. Blood ran down Lennie 's face,one of his eyes was cut and closed PG 63."  I think Steinbeck wrote this book to tell future generations about what happened in the 1930`s. yes, I like the book because you never know what some characters might do next. maybe a person cause try to increase their intelligence so i could understand it better. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

investigation themes in mice in men

2.)  What kind of relationship do George and Lennie have?  Is their relationship a friendship?  How does this relationship express Steinbeck’s position on the individual versus the community?

George and Lenny have a good brotherly relationship, they try to stick up for one another through thick and thin.Their relationship reminds me of my childhood cartoon Pinky And The Brain. George reminds me of brain because he is small and the leader of the two of them. Lenny reminds me of Pinky because he tall and not that bright. i believe that Steinbeck is trying to say that the individuals are better then the community because you can trust a individual more than a community .

Friday, February 22, 2013

Naturalism As a Mirror In The 1930s
 Literature is often a reflection of the time period in which it was written or, in the case of historical fiction, of the time period it is focused on.  Authors will often find sneaky little ways to demonstrate the dominant characteristics of the time period by blending in details, that, at a closer glance, reveal these hidden themes.

     In class, we viewed several videos (in the LitByFleming blog video bar) that gave us a look at some major events and common themes or characteristics of the 1930s.  John Steinbeck certainly considered these elements when writing Of Mice and Men.  In fact, it might be said, his writing style intentionally made use of naturalism in order to capture and expose some of the attitudes and characteristics of the American 1930s.
     Let's see if you can make the connection!  Think about some of  the naturalistic elements we identified in class (Chapter 1).  What aspects or characteristics of the 1930s are being demonstrated to us at those moments in the text?  What do you believe John Steinbeck was trying to show us or expose about the way people, life, or society was during this time in American history? 

Naturalism is defined as detailed realism to suggest that social conditions, heredity, and environment had inescapable force in shaping human character.In class we discussed that naturalism  would be ill educated,lack of manners and etc. In this case in the book naturalism was demonstrated as uneducated,no manners and etc. I believe that John Steinbeck is trying to tell us that everyone acted like beast because of the surroundings they were in.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

chapter 1 note taking

1) Question:  Write down the names of characters involved, as well as where and when the story is taking place at this point in the text.  Next, write down questions you have about the story or characters, and any questions about the reading that you did not understand and would like clarification.

2) Prediction:  Write down your prediction for what you think will happen next in the story. Don’t forget to explain what happened in this chapter that helped you form this prediction.

3) Connection:  Write down anything that you found familiar:  either a situation you have experienced, a character that reminds you of someone, or an event from the story that is similar to something you have already read.  *Remember to use good technology ethics!  Do not expose names of people anyone could or would know.  Use good judgement!
4) Summarize:  Re-tell, in your own words, the main plot and important details of your reading. Your summary should not be more than about a paragraph, or 5-7 sentences.

5) Reflect:  Write down any quotes, sayings, or moments that affect you in some way.  So far, what do you think is the reason the author wrote this book?  Are there any themes you recognize?  Do you like the book so far?  Why or why not?  What changes could be made so that you understand or connect with the story better

4) The main characters in the story are named George and Lenny. George and Lenny are on their way to California to look for a job. After miles of walking they come to a pond to drink and rest. While they were resting they were talking about their future and how they would get land and have all different types of animals. They also discussed why they had to leave their small town called weeds. The reasons why they left  is because Lenny was accused of trying to molest a little girl . 

2) I'm predicting that Lenny and George will go to the farm and get the job but they are going to get in a little trouble along the way. I think Lenny is going to do something similar to what he did the last time. I also predict that later in the story, Lenny is going to get into so much trouble not even George could bale him out. Based on chapter one I think Lenny is going to get into trouble because of his mental disability and he doesn't realize right from wrong.
5) When George and Lenny were talking about what life they had in the future that effected me because all they are looking for is happiness and it was hard to get during this time. I think the author wrote this book to inform future generations what they had to go through at this time and so we can look at it through his perspective.I do not recognize the theme because i haven't read that much of the story. yes, I do like the book but since I didn't that much I cant give a honest opinion.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

picturing the history behind of mice and men

     For a moment the place was lifeless, and then two men emerged from the path and came into the opening by the green pool.

     They had walked in single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other. Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders. The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.

     The first man stopped short in the clearing, and the follower nearly ran over him. He took off his hat and wiped the sweat-band with his forefinger and snapped the moisture off. His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself. (1.2-4)

Sound familiar? Kind of like the pictures, right? In writing, compare and contrast this opening section from Of Mice and Men to the pictures you analyzed in class. What does the text and the photographs show us about the 1930s?  Be specific!

After reading this is sounds like the characters are in California looking for work just like the people in the pictures in class. they both sound like they are on a voyage and they are tired but they using all their strength to get by. This text is describing the features of the characters just like we did in class. The text and the pictures show us that the 1930s weren't a good place for work because of things like the great depression and the dust bowl. The only work that they could find was farming in the west even that had limited jobs. During this time mostly everyone in the family had to work to make money to feed the rest of the family.