Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Novel Reaction: Thinking Forward

What topic or theme that we have touched on during this unit has "hit home" with you the most?  Which theme or topic has a personal connection for you?  Which did you find most captivating or interesting to discuss and investigate during this unit?  Select a topic/theme from the list above that peaks your interest, and, in this week's blog response, discuss why you find it fascinating, which moment in the story you think about when reflecting on this theme, and how this theme is relevant in today's world.

The topic that touched me the most is racism. I also had a personal connection with The American Dream. The most interesting was the human beast and naturalism. The reason is because it relates to your animal instincts and very interesting to me to talk about this topic. The moment at the pond where Lennie was drinking like a bear relates to this theme so many ways. It is relevant to today's world because if you look in society everyone acts like animals. For example a business man being ruthless to close a deal or someone killing innocent people for no reason. Last time I checked that's what animals do.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A portrait of racism

A Portrait of Racism

Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Man, paints a very realistic portrait of racism in the 1930s.  Discuss at least two ways in which racism is explored in this chapter.  Include quotes and your own analysis of key moments in this chapter that clearly demonstrate the racism that existed in the American 1930s.  What do readers understand about racism as a result of reading this chapter?

In chapter 4 their are many signs of racism. For example,on page 68 middle paragraph crook states"'Cause I'm black. They play cards in there,but I can`t play because I'm black. They say i stink".Another great example is on page 70 the bottom of the page where crook is saying" If I say something, why it`s just a nigger sayin it  .In these sentences crook is being aggressive because he is upset that they wont let him do things with them and get the respect that he deserves  because of race. the readers understand thadst racism towar the blacks in the 1930`s was a big thing.

Monday, March 4, 2013

chapter 4 notes

2) Prediction:  Write down your prediction for what you think will happen next in the story. Don’t forget to explain what happened in this chapter that helped you form this prediction.

4) Summarize:  Re-tell, in your own words, the main plot and important details of your reading. Your summary should not be more than about a paragraph, or 5-7 sentences.
5) Reflect:  Write down any quotes, sayings, or moments that affect you in some way.  So far, what do you think is the reason the author wrote this book?  Are there any themes you recognize?  Do you like the book so far?  Why or why not?  What changes could be made so that you understand or connect with the story better

i predict that Lenny is going to get into trouble. i also think that Lenny is going to kill his puppy and someone at the barn. i  think when geogre is going to punish Lenny for doing those things but i don't know how yet. he is either going to isolate him by putting him in the house or he is going to kick him off the barn.
In chapter four we talk about Crooks. Crooks tells us how everyone looks down on him and how he is a lonely man because of his skin color. So Lenny starts to talk to him to understand why. All of a sudden Lenny starts to talk about the rabbits that he is going to have on the farm and what he going to feed them. Later curley`s wife walks in and she talk about her unhappy marriage so candy and crook tell her to leave before she starts trouble.

 "Just like heaven. Ever’body wants a little pieceof lan’. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land". now i think the author wrote this book to show how people suffered back then. i see the theme of brotherhood between Lenny and George . i enjoy the book because of the peice of history that it brings.